New Beginnings!
Hello Everyone!
During the last couple of years, House2Hope has kept a low profile and has tried to help ministries “behind the scenes”. After much prayer, I feel that God is getting ready to shift our focus back to our original vision – “To introduce people to Jesus Christ and to help them enjoy a lifelong relationship with Him. We want to do this by going house to house, city to city, and nation to nation.”
In the near future, we will be using Facebook Live, Periscope, and YouTube to reach people and hopefully have an “iChurch†for those who are interested in church but for whatever reason cannot or will not attend a traditional church.  We are also planning on starting a group in our home in the next couple of months that will be the basis for our “iChurchâ€.  We will use Social Media to allow others to comment, ask questions and participate.
Please send me an email ( or send a message via The House2Hope Ministries Facebook page for more information.
Be blessed!