Something We Can Learn From The Kids

December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone! 

I am so glad that you are visiting our site.  I hope and pray that as you read this you will remember how incredible this time of the year really is.  I was praying the other night and the Lord reminded me how much we can learn from our kids.  I was reflecting on a great time watching the kids play together and realized that we can learn lessons for life from some of those childhood games.

The first game that came to mind is “Follow the Leader”.  Ephesians 5:1 reminds us to “Be followers of God”.  If we want to see our lives really make a difference, we have to start going in the right direction (even if it is over or under obstacles, climb or crawl).  The only way that will happen is to follow God.

The second game that came to mind was “Simon Sez”.  John 15:14 (and 14:15) talk about obeying Jesus.  If we want to win in this life, we have to learn to hear His voice and obey it without fail.

The last game that impressed on me watching the kids was “Chase”.  Psalm 34:14 tells us to “turn from evil and do good”, it also says to seek and pursue peace.  We have to chase after the things we want in this life (starting with Jesus).

Basically, the kids reminded me that we have to play the game to “win the prize” (Philippians 3:14) .  We can’t just sit back and wait for someone else to do everything for us.  Every miracle in the Bible tells of someone that took a step of faith believing something would happen.  Hopefully this Christmas season will be a time when you remember that life is not a game, but includes games we can and should learn from.

If you have not received Jesus as your Savior, I would encourage you to look at the verses above and then check out Romans 10:9.  They may help you make the most important decision you will ever make.

God Bless You!

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